Monday, October 31, 2011

Deficiency of Blood Sugar

> All body cells need them daily energy intake in order to work properly, regulating vital functions (such as heartbeat, digestion and breathing movements), control body temperature and keep the muscles active. This requirement is obtained by monitoring diet balanced in nutrients, which include protein, vitamins, fats and sugar, which is one of the main sources of energy. Also called glucose, and is an element belonging to the group of carbohydrates, which are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and were classified as simple and complex. The first is characterized by sweet, digested from coming into contact with saliva and absorbed quickly into the blood, therefore, provide energy immediately. In turn, are divided into polysaccharides (e.g. glucose, fructose, which is major sources of honey, fruit, milk and juices) and dis-saccharides (e.g. sucrose, maltose and lactose, found in table sugar, milk, beer and jams).

The complex calls are not sweet, take longer to digest and, therefore, their passage into the bloodstream is slow; among them are the oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, the latter are divided into starchy foods (starch and starch, for example, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cereals, pasta, bread and bananas) and fibrous (so called cellulose, lignin and pectin, rice, tortilla, wheat bran and oat apples and green vegetables, etc.).

Step through the body
When you eat some food passes along the digestive tract, where it starts chain of chemical transformations it nutrients and when you reach the small intestine, containing glucose into the blood. This fluid is responsible for transport to the liver (as a reserve), brain and body cells, where it is used as energy.

For this to be achieved requires insulin, a substance that serves as the key that unlocks the cell door, while brain and nerve tissue do not require the presence of this element, receiving stream directly from sugar blood.

However, once the glucose into the cells is degraded with the aid of oxygen, i.e., enters a state of combustion and as a result becomes water (remove or reuse) and carbon dioxide (which breathe through lungs.) In this way energy is released in our tissues, which allows us to think, study, remember, speak, walk, run, work, breathe, have sex and to rest.

When there is deficiency of blood sugar (hypoglycemia) the body, in an effort to get it, transforms the protein-carbohydrate to prevent irreversible damage to our health, because due to the lack of the "fuel" the body can not function properly which even reaches lead to death of neurons (brain cells).

Although this disease has no specific cause is said to be connected with certain risk factors, including:
Family history of disease.
Viral infections that can affect the pancreas.
Alterations of the body's defense system, which leads to self-destruction of its own insulin-producing cells.
Poor eating habits.
Little or no physical exercise.

It is very important to follow the treatment to the letter and keep glucose levels in check, because the people who are high for long periods may have injuries to eyes, kidneys and nerves, foot infections and heart attack.

Finally, consider that it is possible to keep under control the high and low blood glucose, only requires that the affected do your part and follow your meal plan, measure your blood sugar levels several times a day, practice exercise and take the appropriate dose and schedule your medications. In this way, it will be possible to continue normal life and prevent complications of hypoglycemia and diabetes impairs their health.

Consult your doctor.

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