Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is Stress?

> Stress, whether physical, psychological or social, is composed of a set of physiological reactions which is exaggerated in intensity or duration can lead to an imbalance in the body. The reaction to stress attitude is a necessary biological adaptation to new situations.

Stress can be divided into two basic types: chronic stress and the acute. Chronic stress is one that affects most people, being set on a daily basis but a milder form. Acute stress is more intense and short, is usually caused by trauma but as a temporary depression in the death of a relative.

Among the main causes of stress, we quote:

* Changes: a certain amount of change is needed. However, if the violent changes exceed our ability to adapt.
* Overload: the lack of time, excess liability, lack support and exaggerated expectations.
* Food incorrect: it is not only important what we eat, but also how to eat.
* Smoking: the cigarette releases nicotine which, during the lowest concentration, already causes reactions of mild stress, then blocks the reactions of the organism and cause psychological dependence.
* Noise: always puts us on alert, causing irritation and loss of concentration triggering stress reactions that can lead to exhaustion.
* Low self -esteem: it tends to worsen the stress on these people.
* Fear: accentuates the fear in people to worry unnecessarily, an attitude pessimistic about the life and memories of unpleasant experiences.
* Transit: congestion, traffic lights, the assaults on drivers and contamination air can trigger stress.
* Change the usual rhythm of your body: causes irritability, digestive problems, headaches and sleep disorders.
* Progress: agitation of technical progress is accompanied by increasing pressures and work overload by increasing levels of demands, qualitative and quantitative.

These stressors are the main types that arise of stress include:
* Working Stress
* Stress resulting from heart disease and cancer
* Childhood Stress
* Aging Stress

The types of stress are varied and not restricted those cited above. But it is more prominent in our daily life stress work.
The working world has changed with the advancement of technology. Today, the professional lives under continuous tension, because in addition to their usual responsibilities, the highly competitive business requires him learning constant and facing new challenges, which means that many sometimes surpass his own limits. This may lead him to stress.
The type of wear to which people are constantly subjected environments and relations with labor are factors diseases. Agent’s psychosocial stressors are as potent as microorganisms and unhealthiness in the onset of disease. Both the worker, as the executive, may show changes before Agents psychosocial stressors.
The anxiety arising from concerns can generate insomnia, eating too much, or not, eating too little. Two types of concerns are highlighted: a cognitive concern with ideas, and other somatic symptoms such as sweating, heart pounding, muscle tension etc...
The stress arises when the person being judged not to able to meet social requirements, feeling that their social role is threatened. Then the body reacts to master the demands are imposed. However, in the modern world is not socially acceptable stress fulfill its natural function of preparing the individual to escape or to fight. Such a reaction would be considered inappropriate from the standpoint of the adaptation of human beings facing a world full conflict and pseudo- harmony. So, man, when confronted with a stressor stimulus at work is prevented from expressing reaction, becoming a prisoner of aggression or fear, and is bound to appear an emotional or motor behavior inconsistent with their actual situation neuroendocrine. If this situation lasts long enough discrepancy between the reaction and the physiological state appears real, there will be a high wear of the body, which can lead to disease.

Some stimuli were classified according to duration necessary to produce stress in short-term stressors long term. Among the short-term stressors have failure, workload, time pressure, threat, inducement of fear etc. and in the long term, competitive situations, services in danger zones, monotonous work.

More information on Remedies for Depression and Natural Stress Reliever. And more on natural cure for depression.