Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Digestive System


The organs of the digestive system to provide intake and nutrition of what we eat, this way it is done in absorption of nutrients, beyond the elimination of particulate matter is used by our body, such as cellulose.

In order to have the digestion, the food must undergo physical and chemical changes during this process, begun in the mouth.

Mouth- Most mammals chew food before that through the pharynx. This act allows a decrease, humidification, and in some cases, contact with digestive enzymes present in saliva (amylase and ptyalin), these being responsible for the transformation of glycogen and starch to maltose. At this stage of digestion, the language has an important role: in addition to helping decrease and dilution of food, allows the capture of flavors, stimulating the production of saliva. The salts present in the latter can neutralize the acidity of the food.

Pharynx or Esophagus- After chewing, bolus passes through the pharynx and is directed into the esophagus. There peristalsis allow the cake to be directed to the stomach. This mechanical process also enables this function, to mixing it with digestive juices. Some birds have a body in this region popularly known as chat, where food is stored and softened.

Stomach- In the stomach, gastric - Rich in hydrochloric acid, pepsin, lipase and rennin-denatured proteins and fragments of the bolus, acts on a lipid, promotes absorption of calcium and iron, and kills bacteria. This body, delimited by the cardio sphincter between it and the esophagus, and the pyloric sphincter between the intestine, allows the cake is retained there, without the occurrence of reflux. For nearly three hours, water and minerals are absorbed in this cavity. The remainder, now called "chyme", goes to the small intestine.

Small Intestine- In the small intestine is the major part of digestion and absorption of what was ingested. This, understood by the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, starts the process in this first portion. There, with the aid intestinal juice. Proteins become amino acids, maltose and other disaccharides and some are digested by means of enzymes such as carbohydrates and peptidase.

In the duodenum there is also the pancreatic, which is released from the pancreas through the canal of Wirsung. This has sodium bicarbonate, trypsin, chymotrypsin, pancreatic lipase and amylopsins in its constitution, allowing it to be neutralized the acidity of the chyme, proteins are transformed into oligopeptide, resulting in lipid fatty acids and glycerol, carbohydrates are reduced to maltose and DNA and RNA to be digested. Bile produced in the liver, fat break for the pancreatic lipase to perform their role more efficiently.

Digestion closes on second and third portion of the small intestine by the action of intestinal juice. Their enzymes: maltase, sucrose, lactase, amino peptidases, dipeptidases, tripeptidases, nucleotides and nucleoside; allow molecules to reduce the nutrients and they are absorbed and released into the blood with the aid of the villi in the intestine. The food is replaced by watery aspect, white, and is called now, pound.

Large Intestine- The pound is headed for the large intestine. This, divided in the appendix, colon and rectum absorb water and minerals and directs the party was not digested the pound to the rectum, so that is eliminated through feces. Bacteria in the intestinal flora allow the production of vitamins, such as K and B12.

Read more indigestion symptoms and indigestion pain treatment. Also get remedies for digestion problems.