Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vascular Disease

> Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) involves damage to or blockage in blood vessels distant from your heart, arteries and peripheral veins. The peripheral arteries and veins to carry blood and muscles of the arm and leg more bodies in the stomach and below the surface. PVD may also affect the arteries leading to his head. The main forms PVD can take include blood clots, swelling (inflammation), or narrowing and blockage of blood vessels.

Diseases of the arteries can lead to arterial blockade, aortic aneurysms, Buerger's disease and Raynaudss phenomenon. Venous Diseases of veins can lead to blood clots, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis or varicose veins. The blocked artery is similar to coronary arteries; peripheral arteries can become blocked by plaque.

Some Alternative Treatment:
Hot baths and compresses applied to the anus will help relieve pain. Keep the anal part clean by washing with hot water after bowel movements.

Naturopathy - bathing or hot and cold - is recommended and ice packs can help relieve discomfort. Sitting in the water for five to ten minutes is recommended for batteries.

Diet and Nutrition Follow a whole food diet to reduce constipation and ease bowel movements. Drink plenty of water. Take a large spoon flax seeds with water once a day (not meals).

Daily supplements of vitamin C, Vitamin E, and lecithin can help both plies and varicose veins. The increase in fiber (bran, oats, cereals, bread, flax / linseed, peas, beans), fluid intake, and exercise can also help prevent constipation and relieve hemorrhoids. Raw sugar are said to help varicose veins and also as fruit apricots, cherries, rosehips, blackberries, and buckwheat.

Herbal remedies for hemorrhoids apply ointments Pilewort, Comfrey, horse chestnut, and witch hazel. Witch hazel is best for bleeding piles. An infusion of yarrow herb may be beneficial for their astringency and its influence on blood vessels. It's also good applied as a compress.

Consult a qualified practitioner / therapist for:
Aromatherapy- Essential oils such as cypress, juniper, mint or chamomile, either applied directly or mixed in a hot bath, ease discomfort.

Homeopathy- A homeopath will prescribe according to the individual case, but Ratanhia , Hamamelis , Sepia, Sulfur and can be recommended. Hamamelis, peony or ointment, or suppositories are often used for acute cases. Hamamelis is particularly good for a feeling bruised with bleeding. Aloes, nux vomica herb, Aesculus and Pulsatilla are other ways of tackling.

Yoga positions such as the inverted corpse (with legs in the lie, 45 degrees to a wall of three minutes per day) are able to help and these can yoga breathing exercises.

Massage for varicose veins, gently massage the legs toward the heart, can help. Massage can also help improve circulation.

Get free consultation online - 24 Hour's Free Support at for heart diseases and cardiovascular risk problem. And also get herbal remedies for cardiovascular heart disease.