Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Care For Blood Pressure

> Hypertension is often considered a silent disease. This is because it can have no symptoms and still cause health problems over time. Hypertension is identified by a systolic blood pressure of 135 mmHg or above and a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or above. It is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Also can cause damage to other vital organs of the human body and brain, kidneys and eyes.

It is now common high blood pressure begins to manifest around the age of 50, from 60 to 75 years, already has 70%, mainly due to lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity and diabetes). May also be involved in emotional factors like depression and stress.

According to the expert, and possibly adjust the dosage of medicine for high blood pressure, hypertensive patients on vacation at the beach or the mountains is also advised to make a salt-restricted diet, avoid fried foods and alcohol, and exposure to moderately sun.

Air travel can also lead to events such ailments, nausea and headache. Although the aircraft are pressurized, the hypertension is common to feel a strange sensation in the ears and some dizziness or shortness of breath while the aircraft is gaining altitude. In such cases, and consult a doctor.

Improve Blood pressure with exercise:
In people with hypertension, physical activity helps reduce blood pressure, the dose of medication, and even eliminate the need to use them, and to control other risk factors normally associated with hypertension, such as obesity, cholesterol, diabetes and stress. Although physical activity have a beneficial result on the health of hypertension, inadequate exercise bring potentially high risk, such as weight training with heavy load, to gain strength and muscle mass.

Every hypertensive should do physical activity, provided that the blood pressure control and exercises are done properly. In the case of hypertensive patients with lesions in important organs, you need to take greater care and exercise can even be contraindicated.

Before you begin physical activity, the ideal is to do a stress test, especially if you have other cardiovascular risk factors associated. The medical supervision during exercise sessions is not necessary, unless you have some hypertensive heart disease. But, if accompanied by a physical teacher, develop a more efficient, complete and with less risk to your health.

The exercise recommended to hypertensive patients is aerobic, running three to five times a week, lasting 30 to 40 minutes and intensity of light to moderate, i.e. 50 to 70% of heart rate. This exercise helps in reducing blood pressure, however, thinking about the overall health of the individual, should also do exercises and stretching located.

Intense continuous exercises are avoided by producing marked elevations in blood pressure. Important aspect is that people with blood pressure at rest above 200/120mmhg should not start any kind of regular exercise, though little intense. The appropriate course of action is to go to the cardiologist, to reduce blood pressure with medication and then include exercises as a resource to assist treatment.

Read more on high blood pressure, blood pressure treatment and for hypertension treatment.