Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Remedies for Teeth Whitening

>A great white smile is what everyone wants. Yes we see Celebes have it but it’s a little more then that. For better or worse how our teeth look helps to define us. When you meet someone for the first time, having great looking white teeth does make a big difference. A great part to having pearly whites is the fact that there is no recovery time besides rinsing out your mouth. Getting a good tooth whitening kit can help make all the difference.

A toothache is any soreness, discomfort or pain within or around a tooth, signifying irritation, and swelling, reddening and possible infection with a possibility of abscess. When tooth decay penetrates the pulp chamber or reaches in its close nearness that contains the nerve endings and tiny blood vessels, a toothache starts emerging.

Toothache generally means pain around the teeth or jaws. The severity of a toothache can vary from chronic and gentle to sharp and unbearable. The pain may be aggravated by chewing or by cold or heat. The toothache gets worse over time if left untreated as the inner pulp can become infected. The second most common cause of toothache is gum disease. Toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve root of the tooth is irritated.

Remedies for teeth whitening:
Here some remedies for teeth whitening and Divya Dant Manjan Tooth Powder benefits:
Divya Dant Manjan Tooth Powder:
# Helps in Strengthens the gums, as a result of which discharge of pus mixed with blood gets stopped;
# Takes away food-particles from teeth;
# Helps in removing foul smell of the mouth,
# Makes salivary gland fit for doing its work properly.

Herbal remedies for teeth whitening:
Strawberry and Baking Soda: Take one strawberry and half tbsp of baking soda. Crush the strawberry and mix it with the baking soda. Spread this mixture evenly on the teeth for about 5 minutes. Now brush your teeth thoroughly, rinse and floss to remove the mixture of strawberry and soda. You can do this procedure once a week.

Smoking, chewing tobacco, excessive consumption of beverages such as tea, coffee, sugary drinks, and sodas all contribute towards stained teeth. Hence, one should quit smoking/chewing tobacco, and avoid excessive consumption of coffee, tea, sodas etc. for white teeth.

Divya Dant Manjan helps in strengthens the gums, makes teeth healthy & shining and removing foul smell of the mouth.