Saturday, October 8, 2011

Seborrhea Uncomfortable Baldness

> Excess fat is not only a hair problem that generates slovenly appearance, dandruff and smelly, but it is also one of the triggers hair loss or alopecia. Luckily, dermatology treatments have achieved their control.

Although the name gives clear idea of the problem is concerned, it is worth mentioning that the word comes from the roots seborrhea Latin sebum, fat, and rhea, flow. Relates, then, the oil that is normally generated in the skin and sweat with the emulsion or protecting against environmental factors.

Being more specific, the so-called seborrhea dermatitis is a condition in which the oil producing glands that are located on the scalp and other areas of the skin, especially face, eyebrows, chin, armpits and chest, produce too much fat or tallow (hyper-secretion).

What's more, experts say that the seborrhea is closely linked with dandruff, responsible for peeling or falling scabs of dead skin, not to mention that it is accelerating factor or anticipate the process of hair loss (alopecia seborrhea), since excess fat chokes the hair root (follicle) and stimulates the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a substance has been found responsible for baldness.

Inside and outside
Seborrhea dermatitis is due to several factors, same as for understanding generally classified into internal and external. The first are the most crucial:

Diet and exercise. Lack of physical activity and diet rich in fats and carbohydrates are two reasons that most commonly cause malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Also alcohol, cigarette and coffee often exert negative effect.
Nervous system imbalance. Inadequate stress management, anxiety, fear and general emotional disorders tend to affect the sebaceous glands.
Hormonal activity. Seborrhea occurs after puberty and in adulthood, ie when the activity of sex glands is more intense. It has been shown that androgens (male hormones such as testosterone) are responsible for regulating the production of fat in the skin and involved in the weakening of the hair follicles.
Treatment of disease. The use of some drugs also influences the activity of the sebaceous glands. Such is the case of drugs that control cholesterol, diuretics (which stimulate urination) and antibiotics (to fight infection).

Meanwhile, among the external factors are:
Hair products. Many people think that if you have excessive production of fat, sometimes with dandruff shampoo is best to use aggressive formula, however, which is achieved with this, is a significant "bounce" that raises the sebum. Other products that may act negatively are fixers, glitter and dye.
Excessive hygiene. As in the previous case, when the person discovers the presence of fat in abundance and flaking, try washing your hair more frequently and aggressively. The result is, well, overstimulation of the sebaceous glands.
Environment. Both air pollution and lack of ventilation indoors can reduce the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood and, therefore, both the skin and scalp have fewer nutrients, which cause some alteration in the generation of fat, and weakness in the hair follicles.

Added to this, it is possible to draw on some measures to control the onset or progression of seborrhea and its consequences:
Use soft brush and fine hair, and styling abuse, dyes or hot dryer.
Eat a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish, while low in fat and refined flour.
Avoid stress, learn relaxation techniques and sleep properly.
Wash your hair gently, using products recommended by your dermatologist to new reading (although there are no more symptoms of the disease).

Finally, remember to consult your doctor if treatment does not provide the expected results, have a relapse or any of the products used will cause irritation.

Read more on natural hair care for hair loss treatment. And more about how to regrow lost hair in natural way.